Bersiap Menghadapi Babak Berikutnya dengan Layanan Dark Kitchen
Di tengah perubahan perilaku konsumen di era digital, ekspansi ke bisnis delivery merupakan langkah strategis untuk tetap bertahan dan meningkatkan daya saing. Brand F&B Anda bukan hanya dapat menjangkau pasar yang lebih luas, tapi juga memperkuat posisinya di arena persaingan. Wujudkan semuanya dengan solusi dark kitchen!
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Benefits of Ghost Kitchens
Risiko rendah, imbalan tinggi
Biaya awal dan biaya operasional lebih rendah. Everplate membantu bisnis kulinermu berkembang lebih cepat dan lebih menguntungkan.
Dapatkan lebih banyak orderan
Cloud Kitchen kami berlokasi di area strategis Jakarta dengan tingkat pemesanan food delivery yang tinggi.
Mempekerjakan lebih sedikit karyawan
Minimalisir kebutuhan SDM dengan dukungan dari team fasilitas kami. Alokasikan biaya tersebut untuk keperluan lain dalam pertumbuhan bisnismu.
Bereksperimen dengan banyak brand
Berkesempatan untuk miliki banyak brand sekaligus dari satu dapur dengan risiko lebih rendah.
Nikmati kemudahan dan kecepatan yang tak tertandingi
Memperluas jangkauan bisnis akan selalu dihadapkan dengan persaingan yang sengit. Dengan Cloud Kitchen, bisnismu bisa berekspani lebih cepat dan lebih mudah.
Berkoordinasi dengan beberapa platform pesan-antar
Maksimalkan kanal penjualan di semua platform food delivery. Teknologi tablet dari kami akan membantumu kelola pesanan lebih mudah.
Dapur disesuakan dengan kebutuhan kamu
Kami menyediakan cloud kitchen dengan design terbaik dan infrustruktur berkaulitas. Dapur siap huni kami dilengkapi dengan kebutuhan dasar untuk kegiatan bisnis kulinermu. Tinggal bawa peralatan sesuai dengan kebutuhan kamu dan bisnismu siap jalan.
Who are ghost kitchens for?
Our ghost kitchens are ultimately designed for one thing: to help every restaurants grow and become profitable.
Those who want to lower overhead costs
Running a restaurant is costly. You have to worry about rent, paying the salaries of front of house staff, renovating an attractive dining space and so much more. With a ghost kitchen, all you need to worry about is an efficient kitchen space built and optimized for fulfilling as many delivery orders as possible. You’ll have less employees to manage and a turnkey kitchen ready for you to use to its fullest potential.
Those who want to scale their business
Because of all the expenses associated with opening and running a restaurant business, opening a new location can be overwhelming and sometimes unrealistic for many business owners. Even if you run a successful restaurant, opening a new branch in a premium location can be incredibly difficult. In contrast, ghost kitchens offer you a simpler route for growing your business. Chef Collective will take care of all the permits, construction, space, and optimization, so all you need to do is move in and do what you do best, cook!
Those who want access to a new pool of customers
Restaurants are optimized for those who want a dine-in experience – and there’s nothing wrong with that. But there has been a huge shift to and growth within the delivery industry that has left a void in the industry. More and more people want food delivered to their door – and the quicker that’s done, the better.
Those who want less logistical issues to worry about
One of Some of the most time-consuming parts of opening a new location isare organizing the logistics. Working out who will fit out the new kitchen, decorate the dining space, become your new delivery service and more take time and energy out of what matters the most for your business. Worry less about who your suppliers will be and instead just move straight into one of Chef Collective’s ghost kitchens.